Friday, February 10, 2012

Feeling the Fakeness

I got this idea one day to try out false lashes, this came from the fact that my natural lashes are quite short and well I just wanted to see how it looks. First off I bought some lashes and then watched some videos off youtube to see how to put them on, well one girl said it took her like 7 times to get them on right the first time and for me just one. LOL. The lashes felt kinda odd on, but not that bad. I was expecting worse, and the lashes I had were pretty good. The glue stuck to my lid quite easily and didn't really come off until later in the evening. So it was quite successful.
So the lashes I got in Canada, their of the brand Quo and model 806. I really liked these. I actually have another pair from make up store that I should try out some day. Considering it only took me 10 min to apply the fake lashes but still I'm too lazy to wear them everyday. Gotta say the pictures I took wearing them are bad, or like you can't see the lashes but oh well better than nothing. Oh yeah I fell in love with the woolen shirt I have on in the pictures in Canada, but at first I almost didn't get it as its from H&M and I felt it would be to lame to buy something from a store that is also in Finland. Hat's from Forever 21, my love!



  1. sen pari kertaa ku oon tekoripsii kokeillu ni oon molemmilla kerroilla onnistunu jossain vaiheessa liimaamaan silmän/silmät kiinni :--D tuntuks sustaki sit loppupäivästä et rupes silmät olee painavat? must meinaan tuntu, esim ylppäripäivänä päädyin sit seurahuoneen tanssilattialla repimään ne irti kun rupes ärsyttämään :-D

  2. Joo, aluks ne tuntu olevan liian pitkällä ja sit loppu päivästä rupesvat painamaan. mut mul ei ne ollu niin pitkään et voin vaan kuvitella miltä ne sulla tuntu :D tosin mul rupes toinen repsottamaan ni se vähän helpotti lol. mä muuten pelkäsin sitä pois ottoa ku ajattelin et ne on jollain pika liimalla kiinni :D

  3. i have been looking forward to see this!!!:D like the pic that taken by weimu on the car:D

  4. btw, u r getting to be so colorful with clothing choice:D

    1. hahhaha, dunno how colorful i am getting. just my old clothes :D
