Saturday, April 25, 2015

Light purple dreams

You know that feeling when you notice that your favorite pair of jeans is torn? Sure if the tear is for example on the knee it doesn't really matter but the crotch! That is the worst. No actually the worst is to find out BOTH of your favorite jeans are torn in the crotch. Luckily I've been able to find some instructions on how to fix it discreetly so I have yet another thing on my to do list. I think my to do list keeps growing more than I can take things out of it. haha.
So in the meanwhile I had to figure out something else to wear, I did consider buying a new pair of blue jeans but inspired by a few bloggers and some pinterest pins I went in search of colorful jeans. I found some from Bik Bok and had trouble choosing a color so I got a dark purple and coral. I haven't yet matched the coral pants with anything. I have been waiting from warmer weather. The dark puprle ones were easier to incorporate during this weather and this is how I looked. I have to say I'm quite satisfied with these pants, BUT the material seems to gather all kinds of dirt escpesially hair! My hair is going through a stage of falling out so I'm picking out the hairs all the time. My light brown or dark blond hairs are quite visible in the dark purple pants. Though in the first pics of it they look more burgundy than purple. 
I guess this is that "hey take a pic of my accessories" pic, haha. Not to mention my uneven fingernails. Haha this is as real as it gets. 
Looking back at these pictures I have to wonder what is up with my hair? It was a windy day but still I really should book an appointment to a hairdresser. Sure I have been trying to grow them longer but my hair is so thin, though I have plenty but it just won't grow evenly through out the length. I have no idea what is up with that. Maybe I need some kind of supplements or maybe I don't drink enough water, etc. I only wash my hair twice a week at most and use a lot of oil, so I doubt its the products I use. Anyway I have been thinking about getting extensions for the wedding, but we will see what happens. 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cause I'm happy...

So I have to say my blog year hasn't quite started off how I wanted, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I would say it's all just an adjustment period for the new way my life is though even this keeps changing as the little one grows. Everyday is a new day, new challenge, new routine. I have to say you don't really appreciate the life you had until it's gone. Like I have no idea how I could have wasted so much time in the past. I can get things done now in such a short nap time, yet then again somedays I'm just so tired I can barely stand not to mention accomplish anything. Most days there is no nap time, so much for that me time then, I guess any mother can relate to me in this. It's not like I don't have plenty of picture material for the blog, it's just that I don't have time to edit and write. My head is bursting with ideas not just for pictures, but also for DIY projects like sewing a dress or knitting a blanket etc.. Also all the wedding stuff I should do and post, not to mention I should work out more. Time is just so limited. Sounding a tad stressed, aren't I? I'm just praying for a little more time per day, aren't we all?

All in all I wouldn't change a thing, well maybe a little bit more sleep? Haha. Yet I'm much happier now than ever before, even in my darkest hour I find comfort in the tiny little hands of my little tiger though I should remember to file down those claws. Haha. Anyway life should get easier along the way, just have to keep it togehter.. In the mean while here's some birds flying around my head :)