Monday, April 19, 2021

Time jump from 2016 to 2021

These pictures are from 2016, from 5 years ago, and they have been sitting in my drafts box for how long now? You could say this blog started wilting down already earlier than that.. So why come back now? Perhaps because I'm testing out Google Analytics and this is the only site I can track or maybe because I have had ideas for a while that I wanted to post, but never got around to it.. Mostly because I have some travel pictures and stories I wanted to write out.. I'm not sure what will happen though, since I have a lot of things to do nowadays as a researcher attempting to complete a PhD. Yes I went from completing my Master's degree to yet another level of education, I must be insane but for those interested here is something about my current research.

On the other hand today I was reading about AI and its conclusion that to solve poverty we must force the rich to give up their money by means of violence. This thought got me thinking about is this conclusion that AI came at actually logical or rather learnt from the violent history of mankind? This thought came to me as from what me know of such cases, the algorithms or AI learn from what is previously done. For example a recruiting algorithm began to sort out women as it learnt how to spot them based on what was written on their CVs. So AI learns from what we have done as humans, but research has already shown that we are far from logical and rather an emotional species, so does AI learn from our erratic behaviour and make so called logical decision based on that premise or could it actually come to a more neutral field beyond emotions? But where would it learn such behaviour when its examples are so illogical? I have always found AI to be scary as it is far beyond our control, but to add to it that it would learn from the violent past of humans is far scarier than the technology itself. 

Lovely light thinking for today, wouldn't you think?