Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homemade French Manicure

So I tried out for the first time, how to make a homemade french manicure. The first time I had a french manicure was when I had my high school graduation and even then the person that made it for me used a bit of a purple coloring on it so it wasn't a basic french manicure. I tried out a sparkling nail polish I got as a gift during christmas and a basic white nail polish for the tips. This is what it looks like, its a bit odd since some of my nails are longer than others. I just don't want to cut my long ones. I started off with a chip skip(OPI) liquid to harden the tips of my nails natural base coat from OPI (my addiction), then I applied to blue sparkling color that also is OPI just a line that we don't have in Finland. Then the tips with the white color, which was a really thick one and to finish it off a top coat. Simple as that.
the sparkling, blueish color
the white color


  1. kyl noit OPI lakkoja on suomessaki, mut ne ihan sika kalliita.
    oispa munki kynnet taas pitkät ni ois kivempi lakkailla niitä, nyt ne on ihan onnettomat :-(

  2. Niinhän niitä on mut toi uus minkä sain oli jotain sarjaa mistä en ollu ees aiemmin kuullut, aluks en ees tajunnu et se oli OPI :D hence not in Finland :D muuten mul on khyl kattava kokoelma OPIn lakkoja, suomesta ja muualta :P mä en tajuu miks mun peukalon kynnet aina on niin paljon lyhyemmät ku muut, aina katkeamasa :D
