I don't really have a rhythm or rime to this post. Just have some random pictures from past days. Like my little snack and this cool picture of my phone but reflecting on something else. Lately since I have 2 weeks off school, first my classes were cancelled and now its my winter holiday, I've been eating a lot of Ben & Jerry's ice cream with movies. My favorite is Cherry Garcia but I found a new goodie named Coconutterly fair. Yummy! Just finished watching a episode of the Walking Dead, I really love this show. Hey I'm one for horror stuff.
Ei mulla tässä oikein mitään jännää oo, ihan vaan jotain kuvia viime päiviltä. Kuten mun välipalani ja yks kiva kuva jonka otin puhelimestani mutta tarkensinkin johonkin muuhun. Tässä mun noin kahen viikon lomalla oon nauttinut paljon Ben & Jerry's jäätelöä med leffat. Lempparini Cherry Garcian lisäksi löysin uuden kivan maun eli Coconutterly fair, LOVE IT. Tässä juuri katoin yhden jakson The Walking Deadia, suosittelen kaikille lämpimästi. Tietty jos ei tykkää zombeista ni ei ehkä kannatta kattoa.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I See Myself Through A Mirror, Backwards
It was a Saturday morning when this outfit came to pass, quickly put together since there was a hurry to make it to Turku. I got the denim shirt from Gina Tricot off a sale for a dance performance I was in. So in total I have only worn it for the dance thing and now on last Saturday. Its one of those tuxedo shaped ones and I really hate the back part, but anyway its mine so I'd better use it. The belt is from a so called business jacket of mine that I got and used a lot in Canada, and the belt has become my favorite thing to add to outfits. The burgundy top and black jeans are from American Eagle Outfitters(love love love). All but my woolen socks and denim shirt are from Canada. Thats all for today, something new tomorrow.
Oli lauantai aamu kun tämän asun kokosin kasaan, se oli nopea päätös kun piti kiireen vilkkaan lähteä Turkuun päin. Hankin ton farkku paidan joskus kesällä summer up tanssi juttua varten alennuksesta. Tosiasiassa kylläkin oon pukenut ton paidan päälleni tanssiesitystä varten ja nyt lauantaina. Se on tollasta frakki mallista ja taka osaa vihaan yli kaiken, mutta se on mun joten pitää oppia käyttämään. Vyö on ryövätty bleiseristä jonka ostin Kanadassa, vyö on päässyt nykyään monen asun mukaan ja se on kovin mieluinen. Viininpunainen toppi ja mustat farkut ovat kotoisin American Eagle Outfittersiltä, farkku paita on Gina Tricotilta ja villasukat isän äidin siskolta. Tällästä tänään, lisää huomenna :)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
All Women Like Jewelry
There are women that claim they don't want jewelry and diamonds, but in the end we all like them shiny things. Im not a materialistic person, like I appreciate when people just remember me like giving me a call. This doesn't of course mean that I cannot appreciate a gift for what it is. Truth be told I never thought I'd own something from the legendary blue box, but the day came when my panda went crazy and got me my most precious Tiffany's bracelet. I can't even express the love I have for this bracelet as I wear it daily. I will forever remember when my panda couldn't wait to show me my gift, as I was in Canada he was not. Through the webcam I saw the blue bag and my heart stopped. I could not believe it, he was crazy. It took a while and even today as I look at my bracelet I still am amazed by its existence. An unspoken dream had come true, but the true gem of this story is my panda.
On olemassa naisia jotka väittävät etteivät halua koruja ja timantteja, mutta jossain syvällä heissäkin löytyy se tyttö joka unelmoi kiiltelevistä tavaroista. Itse en ole koskaan ollut materialistinen ihminen, arvostan enemmän ajatusta asian takana, esim ilahdun suuresti kun kaveri soittaa tai laittaa sähköpostia. Tämä ei tietenkään tarkoita ettenkö osaisi arvostaa lahja sellaisenaan. Tosiasia vaan on etten koskaan ajatellut omistavani jotain niin mystistä kuin pienistä sinisistä paukkauksista löytyvää, mutta sitten sattui hassusti että mun panda sekosi ja hankki minulle aivan ihanan Tiffanyn rannekorun. En edes osaa sanoa kuinka rakas tämä pieni rannekoru mulle tuo päivittäin. Muistan ikuisesti sen epätodellisen tunteen ku webkameran kautta Kanadassa näin tuon sinisen kassin ja sydän pysähtyi. En silloin enkä vieläkään usko mitä tapahtui, se oli niin epätodellista. Unelma jota en edes osannut unelmoida oli tapahtunut, mutta tämän tarinan todellinen jalokivi ja päivieni pelastaja on panda karhuni.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Flowers for Nails
This one day in summer, when my nails were still sooo long, I tried out some of those nail stickers you can find in department stores. My sister has always been crazy for those but I had never really tried them but now I just purely love them. They made a nice add to the basic solid color and also give a nice girly touch. The stickers are from Depend Cosmetics and the nail polish is from OPI and its called OPI on Collins Ave.
Tossa yks kaunis kesäpäivä mä kikkailin mun kynsien kanssa vielä kun ne oli noin kivan pitkät. Kokeilussa oli Depend Cosmeticsin kynsi tarrat ja mä niihin kovasti tykästyin. Idean tähän sain mun siskolta joka tunnetusti tykkää kaikista kivoista kynsi jutuista. OPI Collins Ave oli lakan värinä, joka on muuten sellanen väri jota en olis ikinä ajatellut laittavani kynsiini mutta hyvä että laitoin. Se on uusi lempparini. Noniin nyt riittää, mun suomen kielen taidot on yllättävän huonona vaikka sen pitäs mun äidinkieli olla :)
Winter Wonders
At heart I have always loved winter, especially the time when snow looks like little diamonds in the sun. Id rather have snow than rain! I greatly dislike rain, since it just gets my feet wet. Also theres the point of snow making everything look clean and pure, its a comforting thought in my mind for this otherwise dark season. When I was younger I could take the cold weather better than now, today I'm just dreaming of a warm sunny beach to lay on. I guess thats what they call getting older.
Mä olen aina rakastanut talvea, erityisesti sitä kun aurinko paistaa ja lumi näyttää pikkusilta timanteilta. Musta on parempi että sataa lunta kuin vettä. Mä en voi sietää vetta, varsinkin kun siitä saa märät jalat. Tietty pitää muistaa et lumi saa kaiken näyttämään puhtaalta ja viattomalta, se on lohduttava ajatus näin synkässä vuodenajassa. Joskus silloin ku olin nuorempi ni mä kestin tätä kylmää säätä paremmin mut nykyään sitä vaan unelmoi lämpösestä ja aurinkoisesta rannasta. Tämä on kai tätä vanhemista.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Hell Is Sinking
Well this one day I was in Helsinki, nothing special just dropping off some paperwork and walking around trying to find some items for my panda. At the same time we stopped by Fazer, since I'm in love with that cafe. It was a odd, panicky day but with good company everything usually works out.
Elikkäs tos yks päivä eksyin pandan kanssa Helsinkiin. Tarkoitus oli viedä parit paperit perille ja sitten metsästää juttuja kaupoista(ei mulle ku oon osto lakossa kesään asti). Samalla käytiin myös Fazerin kahvillassa sillä oon ihan rakastanut paikkaan. Oli kyllä hivenen outo päivä mutta hyvässä seurassa kaikki yleensä pääty hyvin.
Here's a few pictures captured with my phone. I saw the Vuitton window in another blog but it wasn't in Helsinki and when we walked past that to my surprise there was the same window idea.
Pari kuvaa jotka löytyivät puhelimen muistista. Mä näin ton Vuittonin ikkunan jutun toisessa blogissa mut se ei ollut Suomessa ja tadaa ku käveltiin sen ohi ni samapa idea oli myös päätynyt Helsinkiin :)
Haven't forgotten the challenge, I just skipped one day as it was just too frustrating to figure out. I'm in too good of a mood to be thinking about something I hate.
En oo unohtanut tätä haastetta, mä vaan skippasin yhen päivän kun oli niin vaikeaa keksiä jotain kuvattavaa. Oon vaan ihan liian hyvällä tuulella viime aikoina etten keksi jotain mitä vihaisin tehdä.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose
Now people don't get me wrong, I don't drink milk as much as I should. I just happen to drink a lot of tea and I like to have milk in my tea. Thats all. Plus the milk cartons have such cool designs of late.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
I See The World As A Polaroid Picture
Well here we go, my first outfit post. You won't believe how hard of a challenge it was to get myself to have a good pose in any of the pics and well next time I should either clean up my room or take pictures somewhere else :D And the workout equipment is not mine! I can't find the words to describe anything else. Anyway its a first attempt. Lets see what the future will have inshore in the future.
So what did I wear? The dress is from Forever 21, the stockings as well. The cardigan is from Gina Tricot. Shoes are Shi by Journey.
I have to say I really love those shoes, really warm but a bit hard to walk with. Practice makes perfect, right? Oh how I wish I Finland had Forever 21 store, but maybe its better for me if we don't have it. Anyway I'm sticking to my promise of no shopping, it does get worse when I see cool things on Fashiolista and all the blogs I read but I'm gonna stay strong.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them
Time, for most there isn't enough of it in a day. People rush with their daily lives, work overtime and find that there is not enough time for everything. So most people take out of their private life, yet to me that is a mistake. Sure success requires time and dedication, but a sound mind is a mind that has its rest each day. I don't believe that people should over stress themselves. They should enjoy the task they have but also be able to enjoy life itself. There are so many things people take for granted, such as a lazy sunday. I'd rather give up being successful to be happy, yet with my mentality of doing everything perfectly I'll admit I have spent many nights finishing off assignments. But the key here is to have balance, your life will not end if your take a break and take care of yourself. Time is a valuable thing, spend it wisely do not waste all of it on things you do not enjoy doing.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Time Flies When You Are Having Fun
Seems that the hardest part of taking part in a challenge is not taking the pictures but to actually upload them here. So yet again we get a huge post of challenge pictures.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Feeling the Fakeness
I got this idea one day to try out false lashes, this came from the fact that my natural lashes are quite short and well I just wanted to see how it looks. First off I bought some lashes and then watched some videos off youtube to see how to put them on, well one girl said it took her like 7 times to get them on right the first time and for me just one. LOL. The lashes felt kinda odd on, but not that bad. I was expecting worse, and the lashes I had were pretty good. The glue stuck to my lid quite easily and didn't really come off until later in the evening. So it was quite successful.
So the lashes I got in Canada, their of the brand Quo and model 806. I really liked these. I actually have another pair from make up store that I should try out some day. Considering it only took me 10 min to apply the fake lashes but still I'm too lazy to wear them everyday. Gotta say the pictures I took wearing them are bad, or like you can't see the lashes but oh well better than nothing. Oh yeah I fell in love with the woolen shirt I have on in the pictures in Canada, but at first I almost didn't get it as its from H&M and I felt it would be to lame to buy something from a store that is also in Finland. Hat's from Forever 21, my love!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Challenge Continues
Been a little lazy to post these challenge pictures, been watching a lot of horror movies lately. Mostly Final Fantasy series films, some deaths in those films are so fake but hey they are entertaining. I love horror movies, but not the ones with a lot of blood and core. Though I like zombie movies, lol. It's the exception to the rule, which strengths it. Anyway here goes days 6 through 9, enjoy.
Spagetti bolognese, yum yum. |
My loved winter jacket that I got from Canada. |
Seems I should wash my windows soon! |
Before I left for Canada, my mom had our front door changed, its kinda american styled in my mind. |
Monday, February 6, 2012
Life On The Road
Once upon a time I was at a concert, or a few. I must say I also have the best camera for gigs, not my big Canon but a small Panasonic. For some reason it just takes perfect pictures plus me and photoshop. Anyway here are a few pictures of some gigs I've been at courtesy of my old blog. First up Flo-Rida, it was an awesome gig.
Pictures taken at the Sonisphere Festival. Metallica was the main performer.
Well in this pic I was working at Snoop Dogs gig in Helsinki. It was a fun experience though I didn't get paid. Also the following 3 pics are from Provinssi Rock where I was also a volunteer, which was fun. I got to see 30 Seconds to Mars, Atreyu(a sudden addition and a big love of mine) and Bullet for My Valentine to mention a few.
We finish of this post with Pitbull, it was a short gig but hey most of his songs are with other artist so not much of his own songs. It was a fun gig anyway.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
5. 10 am
Well I must admit I was still sleeping at 10 am, so rather than take a picture of my bed I just took a picture of the room as it is while I sleep. Quiet and peaceful. I'm quite happy with this weekend, it was relaxing and nice, don't want this to end.
Remembrance of Canada
While I was looking through pictures in my phone I found some memorable moments from my exchange. For example my first bus ride from Toronto to Guelph when I fighter planes or what ever they are called. Quite impressive.
There were also some pictures from my first trip to Detroit before Halloween. Fall colors in the USA just scream Halloween to me, it also reminded me of this one tv movie I watched. It is such a different feel to what life is like here in Finland.
Also one of my first sights in Guelph was this beautiful sunset, at the time it was raining and I was on my way to get some food as the next day would be Labour Day and no shops would be open. Its kinda odd how in Canada the sun would set at a certain time and so early in the day. Well for a Finn, whom is used to either dark all day or light all day, the Canadian light was so strange.
The one thing I've been craving like crazy lately, TIM HORTONS. Their french vanilla cappuccino is to die for! It was my favorite, and it even beat Starbucks! Lets see if I can convince anyone from Canada to send me the powdered instant coffee version.

Oh yeah a poster me and another Finnish girl made to promote our school. I think my school has had only one exchange student from Canada so far. Anyway we tried to highlight all the cool things about Finland. Like Lapland, Northern Lights, Nokia, Angry Birds, Hockey players. We also included pictures of Lahti and our school(though our school has no official picture of it, very lame)
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