Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dancing Roses

Have I ever told you guys I love to dance? Well I do and sometimes I even preform in front of people aka in public. Some of the most cool things that have happened to me are regarding dancing and I've made some good friends because of this hobby (if you can call it that). Its just a big part of who I am and even now while working I tried to find time to go dance. Well three times a week to be exact and I'm tired but super happy :)
The same day as dancing I also got some flowers for another cool reason that just made me beyond happy. Romance isn't just in movies and books, though I could use some more ;) Alrighty, hope you guys had a nice weekend and are ready for the upcoming week!


  1. gangnam style on ollu kuunnelluin biisi meiän kämpäs jo monta viikkoo :--D

    1. Weimu luuli viikonloppuna näyttävänsä mulle jotain uutta eli ton, mutta sehän on jo niin vanha juttu :D aluks tosin luulin et se oli joku Romanialainen biisi :DD
