Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Got Them Bubbles!

One of the most scary parts about having an office job was clothing. What is considered appropriate attire? How casual the company culture is? These questions ran through my head, especially since at least based on the pictures of the companies website they had a very formal attire. Well luckily it wasn't the case. Yes the company has formal attire but only during certain days, other while its smart casual. Basically anything goes kind of mentality, preferably though clean and skip the hoodies. I decided that since before I knew about the appropriate attire at my work place I tried to google it and got well odd results to actually post a few outfits from work. They might be kinda simple and maybe boring but at least if someone is pondering the same questions I was they could get some reference from my blog.
So my first work outfit ran on the lines of a simple pair of black jeans with a lovely blue top. Sure the top is kinda too much in a way, but I didn't stand out too much and it has a good looking fabric. Note the lovely confused tired expression on my face, I wasn't yet quite used to going to work everyday for 8 hours a day :)
One of the biggest problems I still have is shoes! I'm picky when it comes to shoes and I tend to lean towards sneakers. Not a good combo for the working world. Luckily as I said my company is smart casual and I can pull off converse like most people in the office. Yet on those special days I have to take it up a notch and found this pair of shoes to be pretty good. Black is always a good color and flats are comfortable if you aren't used to high heels. PLUS these have stars on them so I'm absolutely willing to wear them. haha, but seriously I need to go shoe shopping soon!
To end this rambling post about my little difficulties, I wanna say that this bubble tea was terribly sweet but nice to have my favorite thing from asia here in Finland. Also I heard there is a even better place somewhere in this big city, gotta check that one out next. Oh yeah this was regular bubble tea with mango flavor.

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