Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Sea in Your Hands

It was a Sunday a few weeks back that I took a little stroll the the sea not far from my home. It would be weird if I didn't know how it looked and how to go there. Hahaha. Luckily it was a beautiful day with sunshine and strong winds. I will never again live this close to the sea, I just can't take the strong winds anymore or at least I will demand a glassed balcony.
To our surprise we found a beach. I can't wait for summer to try out the beach. Though I'm not that much of a beach person but I think my habits are changing as I'm getting older. I'm so in love with my pretty new curtains, though they are dark but something about them just made me love them.
I've been having trouble getting up in the morning or more like staying awake, so my new love is these little Starbucks cold coffees. I hate coffee but I love Starbucks, probably since its more sugar than anything else. The oddest part about moving away from your childhood home is taking things with you to your new home but feeling weird about taking them and seeing them in the new place. I miss home and at the same time like where I live, its the bitter sweet symphony of life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Can Hear Hammers

What is the definition of a perfect Saturday? Well I guess that depends on the person, but something I think is pretty nice would be this. Watching your baby get super excited about putting together IKEA furniture as you cook something new a delicious. We had to wait a day before we could put the stuff together since we didn't own a hammer or a screwdriver. LOL.

I tried making some Frutti di Mare, aka fruits of the sea. It worked out well even though we didn't have white wine in it. I really do like cooking, but I'm having trouble coming up with different things to cook. I guess next up would be some chinese dishes again :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Colors of the Night

Just trying to recover from this weekend. It was horrible, I had a migraine for the entire time. I had some good moments during Saturday for Panda's bday but mostly I was laying either in bed or on the couch with my migraine hat. Can you believe it, my mom got me a migraine hat??!! Its actually pretty useful and helps ease the pain. Its so nice to have my mom visit, she's like a walking grocery store hence my fridge is packed with food for once. 
Here's the view from my balcony. We can see the McDonalds and the metro line, haha. I actually don't like the balcony much since its way too windy here, but thats what you get when you live so close to the ocean.
I'm and odd bird that likes the fall time and the lack of sun. I just love having candles, and lots of them. Panda got some candle holders as his bday gift but I felt it was more for me than him. Hahahaha. Sorry if my post is so sucky today, my brain is still recovering from the weekend full migraine.
Last but not least, something I wore for the one event I attended with work. Its a really bad angle and all but its something. I'm really happy about the way my little home looks so I should post some pictures of it, now that I have some flowers here :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Dancing Roses

Have I ever told you guys I love to dance? Well I do and sometimes I even preform in front of people aka in public. Some of the most cool things that have happened to me are regarding dancing and I've made some good friends because of this hobby (if you can call it that). Its just a big part of who I am and even now while working I tried to find time to go dance. Well three times a week to be exact and I'm tired but super happy :)
The same day as dancing I also got some flowers for another cool reason that just made me beyond happy. Romance isn't just in movies and books, though I could use some more ;) Alrighty, hope you guys had a nice weekend and are ready for the upcoming week!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Galaxy in its Purples and Blues!

I've always been one of those girls that just doesn't even try to doll up and all. I never do up my hair, I rarely do make up and I dress casually. With all this said there is one thing I was always kinda girly about. I really like to do my nails. I love growing them and trying new things. This time I tried to crete galaxy nails. It was a lot of fun to do and quite simple, though my bottom dark color kinda faded since it took a while to actually do the rest :)
I think I still need to try it out more but for a start it was a good one. I especially love the purpleness of the whole thing. Its my new obsession color. Alrighty, almost falling asleep now. Have a great Thursday night and see you guys tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Flickering Lights

Like yesterday I spoke about smart casual, well here is an example. It looks more casual than it really is, my position and scarf take away from it. Anyways you guys get the point. I must say I love this shirt, from the first moment I saw it to now. Finally I got some pictures of the new apartment out as well, I've been trying to decorate it a bit more to make it feel more like home. Like today I got a new pair of curtains and more candle stuff :)
Me and my family have this thing with fall time that we just go a bit crazy. We don't mind the darkness as its the perfect occasion to nock out all the pretty candles! Like today I'm surrounded by eleven candles as I write this post. Its romantic in its own way and they smell good too.
"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared"
The days feel so short and I wish I could just lay down and not move without a worry. Well actually my only worry is to waste the time, lol. The irony. I guess I'll head to sleep as others head to parties. This truly is the working life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Got Them Bubbles!

One of the most scary parts about having an office job was clothing. What is considered appropriate attire? How casual the company culture is? These questions ran through my head, especially since at least based on the pictures of the companies website they had a very formal attire. Well luckily it wasn't the case. Yes the company has formal attire but only during certain days, other while its smart casual. Basically anything goes kind of mentality, preferably though clean and skip the hoodies. I decided that since before I knew about the appropriate attire at my work place I tried to google it and got well odd results to actually post a few outfits from work. They might be kinda simple and maybe boring but at least if someone is pondering the same questions I was they could get some reference from my blog.
So my first work outfit ran on the lines of a simple pair of black jeans with a lovely blue top. Sure the top is kinda too much in a way, but I didn't stand out too much and it has a good looking fabric. Note the lovely confused tired expression on my face, I wasn't yet quite used to going to work everyday for 8 hours a day :)
One of the biggest problems I still have is shoes! I'm picky when it comes to shoes and I tend to lean towards sneakers. Not a good combo for the working world. Luckily as I said my company is smart casual and I can pull off converse like most people in the office. Yet on those special days I have to take it up a notch and found this pair of shoes to be pretty good. Black is always a good color and flats are comfortable if you aren't used to high heels. PLUS these have stars on them so I'm absolutely willing to wear them. haha, but seriously I need to go shoe shopping soon!
To end this rambling post about my little difficulties, I wanna say that this bubble tea was terribly sweet but nice to have my favorite thing from asia here in Finland. Also I heard there is a even better place somewhere in this big city, gotta check that one out next. Oh yeah this was regular bubble tea with mango flavor.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Why so Slow??

These pictures are from a while back, actually the first day in Helsinki. It was a cool day as we got to hang out with my sis and saw those hot air balloons. Oh gosh how I miss the summer weather but I'm enjoying the dark already. I have an addiction to candles and I bet you guys will soon witness that. 
I really love this jean jacket I got from Forever 21, love that store they should really come to Finland :) Pardon me for taking my shoes off and not being able to put them back on for the pictures. Dunno why my feet just swelled up that day. I'm a really impatient person, like Sunday we went to Ikea and now we are waiting to get our stuff and I just can't wait to have them!!!!!
Anyways a few pictures from the first place we lived in, but soon more pictures from the place we are now living in. BTW I hate moving, the worst thing to do!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lost In The Echo

Woah, weekends just seem to go by with a rapid pace. It's like there is not enough time to do everything I planned. I guess this will get better now that I'm finally unpacked, so next weekend should be a relaxing one. I hope I can have a little more time to post, since I really miss doing this. Also can you guys notice how I love this particular color??? Alrighty everyone have a great Sunday evening!