Monday, July 30, 2012

Goofing around in Tsim Sha Tsui

Today's been great. I hanged out with my friend, shot some hoops and washed some clothes. Its really good to be home and I'm really enjoying not doing anything for a change. Too bad this will end soon as I will have to start packing. Its official I'm going to finally move out to my first real home, though the location sucks and most likely gonna transfer soon but anyways its a start. Gosh I'm soon gonna be working like a real adult, so strange I don't feel adult at all haha. Anyways here is more pictures from Hong Kong. I guess it was our third day there and we just walked around Tsim Sha Tsui and then later met up with my friend. Here's the pictures, enjoy.

 The legendary helicopters!! Also this post seems to be full of flowers, I just couldn't get enough of these lovely plants that are rarely seen in Finland! Apparently they are called in Chinese egg flowers but in English they are called Plumeria. No matter the name I love them!

A familiar location from the previous post but only difference is me. The other day we just took pictures together with Panda and those I won't post so good thing we went there again and I took a solo picture :)

Me and Panda at the One shopping mall. Also notice the cool lego window in the below picture!
How cool there is a hotel with my name!!! The Mira. Also chocolate wall, yummy. Well its not real chocolate though in the picture you can see me trying to steal a piece.

The above picture is a truck, I believe a milk truck. How cute, also how cute the little shops in Hong Kong.

I'd heard of Liz Lisa before my trip, so when I saw the store I was kind thrilled but the prices in the store are so pricey that I came out quickly. Also tried my first purikura in Hong Kong with my friend that I met in Canada. It was so nice to see her again!

That's all folks, but more more to come. I missed some pictures from the second day's evening so those should be posted tomorrow. Hope you guys enjoyed.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Victoria Harbor and the rare blue skies!

Olympics are in full boom and Panda is glued to the screen. What is a girl to do in this situation?? Well edit pictures and blog about them, of course. Great opportunity to give you guys a little tour of Hong Kong. I tried to select only a few pictures but I failed, though this is just a small piece of the large amount of pictures I have taken. Anyways hope you enjoy and feel free to ask any and all questions that pop into your minds! :)
Here is my second day in Hong Kong. We started the morning with dim sum, sadly we were too hungry and I have no pictures to prove that. After the breakfast we made our way to Victoria harbor and the avenue of stars, which were really close to where our hotel was.
In the background you can see the mountain and its peak, which is a popular destination for tourists as it has a brilliant view of Hong Kong. I have some foggy pictures of it to come in a later post.

The avenue of stars has a similar design as the walk of fame in Hollywood. There were a lot of stars that I had never even heard of but some that I knew by name and some that Panda said I had seen in a movie or two. The big statue is the famous Bruce Lee!! One of my heroes. The stars from top to bottom are Jet Li, Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Jackie Chan's star was the hardest to see as he was so covered with tourist. No wonder though, he's my favorite too!
Starbucks and palm trees, so surreal. It was the first Starbucks I saw if you don't count the one in Finland. Yes finally Finland got their first Starbucks! Better late than never.
A cool thing was that we saw blue skies, which I hear is rare in Hong Kong. Apparently I had some very good luck when visiting.

While dining in Hong Kong, one of the delicacies is having ice lemon tea. The ice tea has fresh lemons in it and you need to properly squeeze them to get the proper flavor of the drink. I really loved it and found that even Coca-Cola had a lemon flavor. They sure like lemons in Hong Kong.
After walking along the side of Tsim Sha Tsui, we took the Star Ferry and crossed the sea to the side of Hong Kong Island.

There is a lot of traffic in between as you can see from the pictures. Notice the helicopter in the above picture. We saw a lot of them and wondered if it was the busy business men traveling from on side to another.
Hong Kong Island could be considered the oldest part of Hong Kong as it was occupied by UK and the city of Victoria was then established there. Now its a economic and historical center of the whole Hong Kong. It has several tall buildings, old buildings and parks. All in all there is a lot to see. Hong Kong Island also has the peak which I mentioned before. In the above picture you can see one of the HSBC buildings two lions. Both lions have names, the one in the picture is Stitt and the other is Steve. It is said that it is good luck to stroke the paws of the lions.

First time to see the Kony propaganda in real life. So sad but proves how gullible people are. We tend to repeat history, when we should learn from it. When will we humans learn??
Whoa, there we go lots of pictures and a lot to say. I hope I mentioned everything but if anyone has any questions don't be afraid to ask. I really like Hong Kong and there will be lots more pictures to show and stories to tell. Maybe even some pictures of me in action, I keep forgetting to be in pictures so often!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hong Kong

Woah, it's been a crazy few days. Just trying to relax after the trip in China and also yesterday celebrated my birthday. Gosh, yet again a year older and I hope also smarter. I started going through the million pictures I have from Hong Kong and other cool places therefore I finally have something to share! Here are a few pictures from the very first day we arrived in HK, we arrived in the afternoon and because of that my pictures from this day are mostly night time. 
Our first pictures are of the walls of our little hotel room. HK is wonderful place to visit but expensive to stay in and as both my flights were either to HK and from HK so I managed to stay in two different places. The first hotel was Hop Inn in Tsim Sha Tsui district, very easy to find and the environment around the place was not in anyway threatening. I can't say that for the other place we stayed in. The second place we stayed in was a guesthouse in Chungking Mansion and getting to the place was difficult and uncomfortable. Chungking Mansions bottom floor has a lot of little shops with a lot of pushy sales people that love to stare at a little blond finnish girl, but then again the room was cheap. So my suggestion is to stay at Hop Inn, its convenient and affordable.
On the first night Panda and I met up with on of Panda's friends. It was nice to have a local guide to navigate in the new city. Hong Kong in my mind at least has this distinct feature with the ad boards that are on every street in bright colors and fill up the space between the buildings. Sometimes you feel worried that they might just fall on you, but they seem to withstand typhoons!!! That was something I witnessed during the latter visit to Hong Kong. Also the typhoon was said to be the strongest they've had for 13 years, aaww HK wanted to make me feel special on my visit. Honestly speaking, I was freaking out the entire night the storm was raging, and we even made our flight the very next day though it was a bit delayed. Oh yeah in the upper picture there is a add for a Sauna which is called in Cantonese a Finnish shower :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Hey guys!! I'm back in a world with free access to the internet aka Hong Kong. I've got tons of pictures to post and stories to tell once I'm back to normal life. Anyways Irina rewarded me with a Versatile Blogger Award while I was in China and finally I can complete it. 

Here are the rules,

1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers. I'm gonna just nominate one :)
2. Inform the bloggers of their nominations.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post. Seems there is a problem with the picture so I'm gonna skip this part as well :)

Let's get started. Thank you Irina!

1. I get really attached to things, like I tend not to throw things away until the last minute and I feel sad about moving out of my childhood home.

2. I really love raw carrots, but dislike anyway of cooking them.

3. I've always had a somewhat disliking towards luxury brands as I found them pretentious, yet I like Chanel because of the creator and Hermes for their business idea.

4. I love taking pictures and have tons of ideas, but when I get in front of a camera I hate it.

5. I greatly dislike when people stare at me (people love to stare at me in China lol)

6. I'm a little bit of a loner by my personality, I'd like to be more social in a way but then again there are problems that arise with over sociality. 

7. I tend to have tons of ideas and things I wanna do but little time and information on how to achieve such things.

I nominate Bo for this award!