Sunday, February 9, 2014

12 things about 2013

So its a tradition of mine to recap the year with a post called 12 things about 2013, though this time I'm quite late with this post.. Seems January just went by in a flash, but anyways better late than never. So here is my recap of the year 2013 which went by quite quickly as most of my time went to working and teaching Panda to drive.
Its interesting how during the most dark months of winter, how few pictures I actually take. There is not much to say about January. There was the New Year celebration. Enjoying the snow and teaching Panda to drive. Most of my time of course went toward working.
February came around and I finally had the chance to celebrate my graduation with inviting family over to enjoy some nice food and company. Also seems I have a tendency to take pictures of sunsets.
In March we travelled to Levi to celebrate Easter. It was Pandas first time to Lapland so of course we did all the normal stuff: dog sledding, downhill skiing and watching the northern lights. The only sad part was that my hydrangea died, coz we were away too long.
The trip to Levi lasted till April, which sounds long but wasn't as Easter was in the end of March. April saw plans of possible weddings and a trip to Oulu to dance in a competition. It was interesting to drive up all the way to Oulu for two days and to dance only once, but hey it was an experience to remember.
May first is a traditional day to celebrate so we had a mini picnic inside before heading out to visit my sister and her kids. I don't really like spring because I hate rain and mud, but once snow melts and the rain passes its so lovely to see all the pretty flowers growing around. In the end of May some of my friends graduated so we spent a lovely night around Lahti harbor for the last time. One of my friends headed to study elsewhere so it won't be so easy to see her in the future. Somehow I accumulated several nice sparkly nail polishes.
In June we discovered the beach in Vuosaari, it was lovely to walk around there after work and relax. June also saw lots of flowers and making them into nice headbands for the girls. Since June we have birthday's every month until October. Our nintendo wii got a lot of attention from friends and family a like. Surprisingly everyone likes to dance with the wii. I finally tried to wear some of the many skirts I own, I'm bad at wearing them but I love to have several skirts. Odd right?
July was my summer vacation, though most of it was spent teaching Panda to drive. In the end it paid off coz Panda has a driver's license. It was nice to relax a bit after working so hard for so long. There were also some summer play's near a lake, sauna at the summer cabin and a friends wedding on my own birthday.
August saw the return to work, some re-arranging of furniture. There is also a tradition of having a party where you eat a lot of shrimp. Also did I ever mention I had a see view from my window? Well its far away but you can sea it above the other buildings. Its also nice when you have a balcony you can go out and eat on.
September is Pandas birthday month, so I made him breakfast and some cake. We also took some lovely couple pictures for some future plans we have. I also finally got a remote control for my camera. September was also the start of some new and challenging dance classes, which of course brought into my life some new interesting people.
October saw the completion of my long time project and the start of lazy days. I also volunteered for some modeling, which is completely odd for me as I like to be behind the camera not in front of it. I also enjoyed enormously the Halloween season and went crazy with all the decorations. I'm really a homey person, I love making my home look nice and comfortable. Panda also carved his first pumpkin and finally agreed to watch the Nightmare Before Christmas at our small Halloween party. I also had the chance to teach a roll call dance to AIESEC Aalto, which I've heard has gotten some popularity ;)
As soon as November rolled in I got rid of Halloween things and moved on to Christmas things. I'm super crazy about these two holidays. Others don't really matter as much to me. Of course I celebrate all but for these two I go a little crazy. I also had some hot pot with AIESEC friends, but I rather have it only with Panda that way I can ensure I get some food. So beware if you eat hot pot make sure you are quick :) I also tried out some lovely mint puffs for decorative purposes, though some people said they look like lamps. 
December was surprisingly busy. There was organizing of a house party at Vuosaari. Taking some more couple pictures in the center of Helsinki. Shopping for Christmas presents and wrapping them up. I also volunteered to make an awesome video though I didn't have a video camera but I made it from awesome pictures. Christmas decorating, putting up lights, doing my nails and so on..

Its been an interesting year, I feel strange that I didn't travel anywhere. Maybe this year, maybe to Taiwan. We will see what happens. I hope this next year will be as good and maybe even better than the last. I have a feeling that this year will be full of exciting and quite life changing.

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