White white white, the things that are white. Like these lovely Paeonia flowers and my t-shirt. Paeonia flowers are somehow really romantic on their own, I guess thats why they are a favorite for wedding flowers. That is how it would seem if you take a look at wedding pins on Pinterest. It would seem that things I would like to say and things I start writing are completely different. Like all good ideas of things to type or at least things with content and meaning are quite lacking once I'm facing my computer and about to post. Perhaps its the time that I post, often just before going to bed or eating. I should indeed try to post at different times, I wonder what I might write if I were to post first thing in the morning? Or say after a good meal... I should try, someday. To this point I must say I adore this shirt, its so comfy and soft, though because of its color I tend to save it so that I won't get it dirty, which just means I rarely wear it. Such a shame.

Whats up with me, when I'm put in front of the camera? It really seems an impossible task to conjure up a good pose. Panda stated that you are the one reading all those blogs, think of what they do. Thinking and acting are two different things. I also feel that maybe those poses just don't work out for me necessarily. I would rather post pictures that were taken without thought, purely good pictures taken at the right moment. Those pictures have a sort of soul to them. Its like taking a basic tourist picture and accidentally capturing a great picture of someone that stumbled into your frame. Its natural.
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